Levi’s® Hong Kong Official Blog

Our R&D lab is back with another season of fresh fits and new innovations that you can feel good about. From thoughtful sourcing methods and Worker Well-being efforts to our mission for greater circularity and recyclability, we’re forever finding new ways to improve our clothes—and it all goes down in our Levi’s® Wellthread® research and development (a.k.a. dream) lab.

levis nigo 2023
Levi's® 與 NIGO 再度聯乘,合作創造全新2023 春夏系列。作為日本街頭潮流及牛仔時尚的先驅,NIGO 花了數十年時間採購並收藏稀有的復古 Levi's®。第三次與 HUMAN MADE 創始人合作,我們讓NIGO重新構想他最喜歡的典藏作品,從過去汲取靈感,創造出全新兩件套系列。

levis stussy 2023
Levi’s® 聯乘Stüssy 推出 2023 春夏季兩件套裝系列,從共同的加州文化中獲取靈感。新系列包括兩款Levi’s® 的經典產品: 501® 牛仔褲及經過改良的 Type II 牛仔褸,均以 Stüssy 標誌性的設計美學重新塑造剪裁。

今年,我們慶祝首條藍色牛仔褲- 501® Original 誕生的150週年。在 501® 牛仔褲的世界,每人都擁有一條501® 牛仔褲,而每一條,都擁有自己的故事。從牛仔布、銅鉚釘開展的美國夢,如今經已風靡全球,甚至很有可能,已成為有史以來最受歡迎的服裝。

Our new collection, Birth of the Blue Jean, celebrates the 150th anniversary of the legendary patent obtained by Levi Strauss & Co. and tailor Jacob Davis. We sat down with Paul O’Neill, design director of Levi’s® Vintage Clothing, to get the story. Trust us, it’s riveting.

levis ambush 2023
Levi’s® & AMBUSH® return with a new moto-inspired collection for Spring/Summer 2023. Available at Levi’s® Harbour City store. Early access on November 11 for Levi’s® LOOP™ members. Public sale on November 12.

levis goldtab 2023
Is it sportswear, streetwear, casual wear? Yes and no. It’s all of that but so much more. Levi’s® Gold Tab™ is something totally new, yet instantly familiar. A collection that elevates your style in addition to being ridiculously easy to wear.

LEVI’S® DIY 零浪費禮物包裝
利用我們的零浪費禮物包裝,為你帶來更時尚、更可持續性的冬日佳節。Levi’s® 裁縫 Charlotte Briggs 為你介紹三種用布料包裹禮物的方法,令人印象深刻之餘又不會造成浪費。

LEVI’S® DIY 聖誕鎖匙扣
Levi’s® 裁縫 Masayuki Den 分享了用舊牛仔布 DIY 製作聖誕鎖匙扣的巧妙方法來作爲節日禮物。閲讀更多以了解 DIY 自製鎖匙扣的教學。